Leave A Legacy

With your...

  • $20 donation to help create scholarships through Dollars for Scholars General Fund

In the future...

  • $300 donation, or more, create a Flow-Thru Scholarship honoring a special friend or family member
  • Donation of any amount given to Permanent Scholarship which will result in and Endowed Gift at its completion
  • $5,000 donation, or more, creates an Endowed Scholarship creating an eternal scholarship given in the name of your choice

Cardinal Dollars for Scholars

Cardinal Dollars for Scholars is a community-based scholarship foundation. We are local, volunteer driven affiliates of Scholarship America. Our board will consist of community members, parents, grandparents and business members. We are a new chapter working towards building our chapter. Scholarship America is the nation's largest non-profit private-sector scholarship and education assistance organization.

Our Mission

Engage a community partnership to assure that graduates of Cardinal High School receive financial support for post secondary education.

Chapter Information

Cardinal Dollars for Scholars will help provide financial support for graduates of Cardinal who continue their education. We are only able to do this through the help and support of friends in education like you. Even a small donation can make a big difference in the life of a graduating high school student who might not otherwise be able to attend college.

Your generous, tax deductible contribution to Cardinal Dollars for Scholars is a wonderful way to support the young people of OUR community as they pursue their educational goals beyond high school!

Cardinal Dollars for Scholars is an IRS qualified 501(c)(3) organization. This means that you contribution qualifies as a tax-deductible gift. Donors should also check with their employer to inquire if contributions might qualify for employer matching funds to maximize the benefit of your contributions.

If you would like to contribute, you can donate online directly to Cardinal Dollars for Scholars by clicking on the red arrow below. Andy donation send through Scholarship America site will go directly to our local Cardinal Dollars for Scholars chapter. You can also mail donations in the form of a check to the following address:

Cardinal Dollars for Scholars, P.O. Box 222, Eldon, Iowa 52554